Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

A Dark Side And The Danger Of Humanism

Humanism, is often viewed as a positive idea by most people.
Humanism reminds us of notions such as love of humanity, peace, and brotherhood.

However, if explored more deeply, humanism has a dark side, even very dark.
Humanism has "a great message and a great hidden agenda" in it.
Then, what is the danger of humanism for "humanity" itself ?
Would you not be interested to know and further reveal the Humanism?

Would you never heard the John Lennon song’s (BEATLES) is so well known: IMAGINE ?
Because a very melancholy rhythm and " so touching lyrics", the song is often played as a background and - or illustrations song showing the pictures ( and news) about the victims of war, disease, hunger, and the victims of natural disasters.
This song is the most precise indication of the sentimentality that is used to convey a "message of humanism" to the masses, so that song was chosen as the "song of the century" in several polls conducted in 1999.

So, now you try to really see, look and study the lyrics of "Imagine" :

Imagine no heaven
Easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today ...
Imagine no countries
Not difficult to do
No need to kill or be killed
And no religion too ...
Maybe you call me a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you join us
And the world will become one

Try to read, and read again.

That is HUMANISM MESSAGE delivered. Surprised ...?

A common dictionary defines humanism as "a system of thought based on the values, characteristics, and behavior that is believed best for humans, rather than on any supernatural authority".

However, the philosophical meaning of humanism is much more significant: humanism is a way of thinking that posits the concept of humanity as the focus and sole purpose.

The clearest definition of humanism is as propounded by its supporters. One of the most prominent spokesperson for humanism in the present, Corliss Lamont. In his book, Philosophy of Humanism, he wrote :

Humanism believes that nature ... is the sum total of reality, that matter-energy and not mind is the stuff of the universe, and that supernatural entities do not exist. Supernatural unreality on the human level this means that man has no supernatural and immortal souls, and at the level of the universe as a whole, that our cosmos does not have a supernatural and eternal God”.

In other words, calls human beings to turn away from God who created them, and only concerned with their own existence and identity.
As we can see, humanism is almost synonymous with atheism, and this fact freely acknowledged by the humanists.

There are two important manifesto published by humanists in the past century. The first was published in 1933, and signed by the most important individuals of that.

Forty years later, in 1973, the humanist manifesto was published, which confirmed the first, but contains a few extra related to the various developments that occurred in the meantime. Thousands of thinkers, scientists, writers and media practitioners signed the second manifesto, which is supported by the American Humanist Association is still very active.

Can be found a basic foundation in each of them: atheist dogma that the universe and human beings were not created but exist independently, that man is not accountable to any other authority than himself, and that belief in God hinder the development of individuals and society.

For example, the first six chapters of the Humanist Manifesto is as follows:

Religious humanists regard the universe exists by itself and not created.

Humanism believes that man is part of nature and that he has emerged as a result of a continuous process.

Holding an organic view of life, humanists find that the traditional dualism of mind and body must be rejected.

Humanism recognizes that man's religious culture and civilization, as clearly depicted by anthropology and history, is a product of a gradual development due to its interaction with the natural environment and social heritage. Individuals are born into a particular culture is largely molded by that culture.

Humanism stated that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes the supernatural or cosmic guarantees nothing for human values can not be accepted ... 

We believe that time has passed for theism, deism, modernism, and several varieties of "new thinking".

In the articles above, we see the expression of a general philosophy that manifests itself under the name of materialism, Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism.

In the first article, the materialist dogma about the existence of eternal universe is put forward.

The second article states, as the theory of evolution, that man was not created.

The third article denies the existence of the human soul by claiming that humans are composed of matter.

The fourth chapter proposed a "cultural evolution" and deny the existence of human nature that has been destined by God (a special nature given to the creation of human beings).

Article fifth reject God's sovereignty over the universe and man, and a sixth state that the time has come to reject "theism", that is, belief in God

Humanists have claimed that the exclusion of religious belief will make people happy and serene.

The most obvious characteristic of the manifesto is to maintain the anti-religious lines on a manifesto in 1933:

As in 1933, humanists still believe that traditional theism is the belief in the unproven and outdated, especially faith in God who listens to prayers, which are considered human life and watching, listening and understanding, and able to grant their prayers .... We believe ... that the religions of the traditional authoritarian or dogmatic, that place revelation, God, ritual, or creed above human needs and experience of the human species harm .... As someone who does not believe in god, we started with humans instead of God, nature not deity”.

If we look at developments in the history of humanism in Europe, we will find a lot of real evidence for this assertion.

History has recorded, six years after the Humanist Manifesto was published, World War II broke out, a record that brought havoc to the world by a secular fascist ideology. Another humanist ideology, communism, bringing untold cruelty, first against the Soviet Union, then China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and various African countries and Latin America. A total of 120 million people killed by communist regimes or organizations. It has also been clear that the brand of Western humanism (capitalist system) fail to bring peace and happiness to their own communities or to other regions in the world.

However, humanists do not abandon their philosophy, but instead try to spread it all over the world through methods of mass propaganda. Especially in the postwar period there was an intense propaganda humanists in the field of science, philosophy, music, literature, art, and film. Attractive but empty messages created by the ideologists of humanists have been delivered to the masses in repeatedly.
One of them, just like “Imagine” song on the top.

You can draw a basic conclusion about the humanism : "what is real". Or not even draw any conclusions one.

Because, basically oriented ideology and thoughts of each person is different.
You alone can judge it, good or bad.
Your stay that address.